My mother loved us fiercely, but it was rough when she became a single mother with three children. She did everything she could to keep us together as a family. We had some family support and our share of friends and neighbors that helped us. The bottom line though, friends, family, and prayer didn't keep us from going to bed hungry. We went to school without warm coats, and we had holes in our shoes. We moved a lot, since a landlord can only go so long on a sob story and no rent money. There would be times the electricity and heat would be turned off. Every month we would visit the local food banks, and try to get by with dried beans and dented cans of vegetables.

I will never forget the Christmas we had nothing. We couldn't afford a tree, so my step dad cut a piece of plywood and painted us a tree. My mom crocheted everyone mittens and scarves. We were living on hot dogs and ramen, and didn't have a turkey dinner to look forward to. It was a surprise when the Camas fire department showed up at our house and gave us a Christmas meal and presents. I cried. I thought I was old enough not to care anymore, but the emotional impact of a simple gift was huge.
When I look back, it breaks my heart to think of the young innocent children we were. We survived, but everything wasn't all right. That's why I turned the channel. We all want to go about our lives believing that if we pray and love each other, things are fine. That's a a fairy tale. We worry about our Facebook picture perfect lives, but avoid the reality. We focus on Black Friday sales and the newest iPhones. There is a world of suffering children, and we can't make everything all right with prayer alone. But maybe, just maybe we can focus on helping others, rather than obsessing about more possessions that no one needs.
Today is giving Tuesday, and it's a great time to help needy families during the holiday season. Which is your favorite charity? How do you help in your community? What is your story of sharing or help? I know that even small gestures can have a big impact in peoples lives, and I want to say thank you to all the people that volunteer and help others. It means so much!